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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Epic fail?





I've blogged this topic before...a year ago but between the new season of The Biggest Loser and the inspiration of friends I feel it needs to be shared again.

The word HALT is in all of us, it's what pulls us towards temptation and away from our hopes, dreams and goals.

Lonely gets me the most. As an army wife I am often left to parent alone and I get very wrapped up in "I can do this all by myself, I don't need anyone". This leads to bitterness, hurt feelings and realizing I cannot do everything on my own. I need my husbands help (when he's here!), the help of friends and family and the help of strangers. It's a hard pill to swallow and my ego needs to be put in it's place often.

What do we turn to in our moments of weakness? ....Chocolate cake? ....Wine? ....Beer? ....Bread?.....Retail therapy?....

Or do you channel that weakness into a positive result? A workout perhaps. Coloring on the floor with your kids. Singing. Calling an old friend. Prayer.

You're never too weak to face your temptations head on, make a plan before it comes to the breaking point. And if all else fails, call on God, he's patiently waiting to spend time with you.