Maybe it's the years I was in the Army or perhaps it's my time as Mom or maybe it's just life in general that has taught me to always be prepared.
As a soldier (for those of you that have been in for any amount of time, you'll get this) you NEVER came to Monday morning work call at 0900 without HIGHLY polished boots and a VERY starched set of BDU's, let alone forget your dog tags, ID card, notebook and a pen....SOME preparation HAD to go into that "dog and pony show" but once you got a rhythm, you were "squared away".....
Oh the joys of motherhood....ya, I took a deep breath as I typed that. When they are babies you NEVER leave the house without a FULLY stocked diaper bag (I won't even hash out all the JUNK an 8lb child needs!!!) and as they grow they may not have as much JUNK physically (and I say junk in the NICEST way...oh how I LOVE Legos!) but they sure can throw you a mental curve ball from time to time...THAT'S a whole 'nother blog in itself!!!!
So what am I getting at??? FOOD, duh! There are 4 instances in which we are tempted. I use food here but this really applies to ANY temptation....Remember this acronym... H.A.L.T.....
When we prepare ourselves for these temptations we are setting ourselves up for success. There is not one of you out there that has not reached for something when you are hungry, angry, lonely or tired and regretted it!!! Chocolate, chips, alcohol, bread, Oreos, ice cream, cereal, get my gist.
Set aside time during your week to prepare food to use throughout the week....don't think that you'll cut up the veggies as your cooking up the rest of the'll rot, you know it, I know it!
I took about an hour today to cut up my cabbage, brussel spouts, cauliflower and broccoli....I spent a good chunk of money on produce today ($34!!!) and I'm not about to waste it. Make every dollar count and use your time wisely.