Increasing Your Value
Avoiding pressure will only decrease your value.
It’s the difference between coal and diamonds. Did you know that every diamond starts out as coal? And the world’s loaded with coal! But diamonds are rare. We can become God’s priceless diamonds when we respond properly to the pressures of life.
But if we refuse, and give in to discouragement and fear, we’ll remain “just coal”.
Yesterday’s tests prepare us for the greater trials of tomorrow.
They help make us the person we’ve always wanted to be.
When it seems nothing’s working out; when it appears your hopes and dreams are going up in flames, will you still trust the God who promises to give you a future and a hope?
Will you allow Him to make you His treasure?
I heard this passage about a week ago on the radio, it's by Francis Anfuso. It really spoke to me. How many things of this life are "too hard" for us?
What is it for you?....Balancing your budget?....Going back to school?....Spending quality time with your family?...Working out? There is nothing too hard in this life, through hard work and faith in your Father, that cannot be achieved.
Get uncomfortable folks.....that's when growth and real change occurs. It's the JOURNEY that makes the GOAL great, how you get there DOES matter.
Wondering if I have ever hidden from the uncomfortable moments of life and taken the easy road? Yup, many times. Part of me is embarrassed....ashamed....but I'm constantly working on it! The truth hurts people, we all know that!!! Suck it up, Buttercup! Put your big girl panties (or big boy undies) on and deal with it...dive in head first.
Time to balance the budget!
Sign up for a class!
Learn a thing or two about the people you live with!!!
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