Looks like Sally was right, topics to blog about just happen. Cool.
I have not logged a WOD (workout of the day) since December 1, 2010. At that time I was dealing with my shoulder/neck issue for two months and feeling downright hopeless on the matter. Let's just say that I was not "feeling it". So...I took a three month break writing down anything! That's huge for me. I tell my friends and athletes alike that they MUST journal their workouts...it's all about observable, measurable, repeatable data. How would I know how I did previously if I didn't write it down? Well folks, I was in a slump.
Today I logged my first WOD in three months. It's huge...for me. I feel like I'm back in the game!! Today's WOD was nothing special....Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3 and "Elizabeth" 21-15-9 of squat cleans and ring dips....I did not PR my back squats, I just enjoyed the ride and I scaled Elizabeth from 95lbs to 75lbs and I used a band on the rings...and my time sucked. But I ENJOYED the workout and I felt good about writing it down.
Why the change? I think it was because of my training session with Chad Vaughn last night. We worked on Jerks....Google Push Jerk or Split Jerk for those of you scratching your heads and wondering why I'm Jerking around with some dude!
For the last few months (remember, I've been dealing with a shoulder/neck issue) I've laid off such movements and my doctor has gone so far as to tell me to become a "cardio queen" and stay away from ALL weightlifting movements. Come to find out, my "condition" isn't as bad as first thought...so I'm back to dabbling with my favorite CrossFit movements...WEIGHTLIFTING!
Back to the Jerks from last night....it was great! Now I didn't hit a PR (personal record) with my Split Jerk but I got up 10lbs shy of my PR and I still felt like I had ALOT in the tank!!!! Talk about a high!!!
It's good to be journaling again.
Awesome blog Jenn! You are now the number 1 "friend" of Centurion CrossFit!
Glad you're back and on so many levels, WOOT!
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